We have a few hundred pictures that we took over Christmas and while Beth's family was here, so we're going to try go back and share some highlights with you. These are from Christmas Day. We had fun re-enacting the Christmas Story with Lee Anna's Little People Nativity set, and then we started opening presents. Lee Anna only had to open a few gifts before she realized that there really was something fun for her in all those packages. She had fun tearing into them and helping all of us open our gifts, too.
Here are our little Christmas angels! :)
Here's Sawyer trying to figure out what to do with Lee Anna's new crawl-through worm. He did finally figure it out and had a blast crawling back and forth, and just sitting inside it for a while.
Here's Lee Anna posing with her My Twin doll. She came up with this pose all by herself. She's become quite the camera hog lately. Out of nowhere, she'll put her arm around Sawyer and tell us, "Take a picture!" Of course, when we're really trying to get good family shot, that's a different story...
And here they are at the airport later that afternoon. After we finished opening presents, we all put the last few things in our suitcases and headed for the airport. The nine of us flew to Amman, Jordan, where we spent the next few days sightseeing and enjoying the COLD weather. Stay tuned for pics from our Jordanian Adventure (I promise we've got some shots of Beth's family, too)!