We're Jason, Beth, Lee Anna, Sawyer, and Sarah Claire, a family of five living, learning, and laughing lots in Northern Africa.
We hope you can learn a little (and maybe laugh a little too) as you read about our latest adventures.

Monday, January 18, 2010

Lazy Days

We're taking a few days off this week and hanging out at our favorite vacation spot. We got here yesterday and are enjoying the peace and quiet. Sarah Claire went with us to the beach for a little while this morning. She hasn't gotten in the sand yet, but maybe she'll get a chance later today. I'm sure if I tell her not to put it in her mouth, she won't, right?

The big kids are having a blast running and playing and exploring. They brought me these flowers this morning.
And they walked out and threw lots of rocks in the water with Daddy.
In the picture above, they're running back to tell me that it's raining! I had already felt the drops where I was sitting, and we were surrounded by dark clouds, so we packed up and headed back in for a while. It's been raining softly now for a while. That might seem like a sad thing to have on a beach vacation, but we're loving it. It's such a rarity here that we enjoy it whenever it comes!
We brought our school books, so we're getting in some good reading time today.
Daddy gave me a hard time for bringing school stuff on our trip. He said that he never had to do school on vacation, but I reminded him that he also never got to wait until November to start his school year!
We were going to just read some books, but she insisted that we do handwriting, too.

Not to be outdone, Sawyer did some letter practice of his own.

The rain seems to have stopped, and I can see the sun peeking through, so I bet we'll be out by the water again pretty soon!

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