We're Jason, Beth, Lee Anna, Sawyer, and Sarah Claire, a family of five living, learning, and laughing lots in Northern Africa.
We hope you can learn a little (and maybe laugh a little too) as you read about our latest adventures.

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Bad Hair Day?

Genesis 2:18 -- Then the Lord God said, "It is not good that the man should be alone..."

Here we go again. About this time a year ago, Beth went to a conference in a neighboring country while I stayed behind with the little angels for a week or so. Click here to read about the first day. (The others are in May 2007 in the archives). So a year later, we're going to try again and see if it works any better. She's at a different coference in a different neighboring country, but those details aren't really pertinent to the present discussion. "Not here" is a sufficient description for our purposes.

I'm pretty comfortable with most of the parenting activities, with the exception of styling Lee Anna's golden locks. Fortunately, she stumbled on a headband this morning--the most simple of all hair accessories. It doesn't require any tying, pulling, twisting, or braiding. One simply brushes the subject's hair and then applies the headband to a central cranial location. No problemo. I thought it looked great. One of Lee Anna's teachers at school this morning had a bit more elaborate plan involving numerous tiny butterfly clips and some rubber bands. Like this:

Sawyer had a bit of a different, maybe even mysterious, hair experience today. When he got home from school, his bangs appeared to be a bit shorter than they were when I delivered him to said school. The teachers didn't mention it, they just said they had given him a bath today. (Not sure about that either. But I'm never really sure of what they tell me at school in their mix of English and Arabic.) I quizzed Lee Anna a bit, until I was pretty satisfied that she personally hadn't done the trimming. Maybe tomorrow we can shed a little light on this situation. Hurry back, Mommy!!!

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