Two brief examples:
1. Last week on our trip out to the sea, the following conversation took place as we got out of town and into the desert:
Mom: Sawyer! Lee Anna! Look at the desert. You can see so far!
Lee Anna: No, we can't. We don't have great eyes like jaguars!
2. Lee Anna informed us during that vacation that she has decided she would like a red-eyed tree frog as a pet. Not just any tree frog, mind you. A red-eyed tree frog. How does she know that there's even such a thing as a red-eyed tree frog? Well, because our good friend Diego has a pair of red-eyed tree frogs that sometimes accompany him on his animal rescuing adventures. I told Lee Anna that I'm pretty sure red-eyed tree frogs have to live in places that average more than one inch of annual rainfall, but I'm not sure she's convinced yet.
For those of you without preschoolers, Diego has his own TV show which is all about rescuing different kinds of exotic animals. He has become my kids' undisputed favorite, which is why they talk about red-eyed tree frogs and rheas and pumas like we used to talk about puppies and kittens.