We're Jason, Beth, Lee Anna, Sawyer, and Sarah Claire, a family of five living, learning, and laughing lots in Northern Africa.
We hope you can learn a little (and maybe laugh a little too) as you read about our latest adventures.

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

One Excited Little Girl

It has been so much fun to watch Lee Anna respond to and process the news that she's going to have a new sibling. She is thrilled! The night that we told her, she got so giggly and giddy with excitement. She said over and over, "I'm so excited. I'm so excited. (giggle, giggle) I'm so excited!"

Here are a few other precious and funny conversations we've had recently:

1. Lee Anna has been asking God for a while now to give her a baby sister, so I was explaining to her that now we need to keep praying for our baby while God puts him or her all together. I was listing some of the parts God will give our baby (arms, heart, head, etc.), and she said, concerned, "What if God put the baby's arm on her head and her leg on her tummy? Then He would have to start all over!"

2. On the same night they found out about the baby, she and Sawyer were trying to "talk" to him or her through my stomach. I told Lee Anna that eventually she could talk and the baby would hear her, but that our baby didn't even have ears or eyes or a mouth yet. She thought about it for a minute and asked, "Well does she have any necklaces?"

3. Like I mentioned in the previous post, we were VERY afraid that Lee Anna would tell our parents before we got to surprise them with the news. The scariest moment came on Saturday, just two days before the surprises were scheduled to take place. Papaw and Mimi called and wanted to do a video chat over the computer. I didn't have a good reason not to, so despite our fears that Lee Anna would say something, we agreed. Before they called on the computer, I had a talk with Lee Anna.

"Mimi and Papaw don't know about our new baby yet, and we can't tell them because it's going to be a big surprise. It's really, really important that you not say anything at all about the baby, okay?" She thought for a minute, and then came up with this solution:

"Can I just tell them you have a toy in your tummy?" She was dead serious.

"No, Lee Anna. NOTHING about Mommy's tummy."

She finally agreed, and we started the chat. To our great surprise and relief, she proved herself to be an excellent secret keeper. I didn't know she had it in her, but she talked to them for at least twenty minutes (with my finger on the "end call" button the whole time) and never once mentioned my tummy.

Looks like it's going to be an exciting and entertaining nine months!

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