We're Jason, Beth, Lee Anna, Sawyer, and Sarah Claire, a family of five living, learning, and laughing lots in Northern Africa.
We hope you can learn a little (and maybe laugh a little too) as you read about our latest adventures.

Monday, June 30, 2008

Time for a Little Pop Quiz!

I read recently that the average American can identify only 18 of the world's 195 countries on a map. When I told Jason about it, we decided we should find out if we're above average or not. We felt fairly confident that, seeing as how we live overseas and all, we could probably get more than 18, but we honestly weren't sure how many we would know.

So today I found this website and printed off two blank world maps. We each filled in all that we could, and then pulled out the cool world map quilt that Aunt Stacy made us to check our answers. (Yes, this probably qualifies us as just a little bit nerdy.)

We're happy to report that we are above average! We each named about 60 countries correctly. Of course, we guessed incorrectly at lots of others. We both did much better on the North Africa/Middle East region than we would have done a few years ago. I'm pretty sure I didn't know where Djibouti was before we got here! However, we've got some work to do learning Eastern Europe and the other parts of Africa. I had lots of blanks in those two areas.

So now it's your turn. Go print out the map (no studying beforehand!), and see how you do. Just think, you could have the great satisfaction of knowing that you are smarter than the average American. (If you do it, be sure to come back and leave a comment telling us how you did!)

Here's Sawyer hanging out on the map quilt I mentioned above. I can't believe I don't have a more recent photo of it. We use it all the time!


  1. That map is missing some lines! That being said I still scored in the 60s. That was fun. Thanks :)

  2. Having turned off my brain for the summer, I'm not willing to risk taking that quiz. But I will say that until recently, I thought Djibouti was actually a joke of some kind, always picturing it being spelled "Jabooty" or something. Then one day I started staring at the poster mom put on my wall of NAME in kind of a daze and all of a sudden realized that Djibouti "JIH-boo-TEE" was actually the infamous Jabooty of my GA camp (or whatever) days. ...Just thought I'd share. :)

    Love you guys!
