We're Jason, Beth, Lee Anna, Sawyer, and Sarah Claire, a family of five living, learning, and laughing lots in Northern Africa.
We hope you can learn a little (and maybe laugh a little too) as you read about our latest adventures.

Monday, March 20, 2006

Good Night, Little Hairbrush . . .
These pictures illustrate Lee Anna's favorite new pastime. She spends a great deal of time putting objects around our house to sleep--everything from toy animals to hairbrushes to cell phones. First, she covers them up with a blanket or washcloth. This usually takes at least 15 tries to get it just right.

Then, she pats them on the back and sometimes says "Night, night."
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Then she tells us to "shhh" in case we were thinking of waking up the object. Then she waits about two seconds before she takes off the blanket and starts over. It's definitely a win-win activity. We're happy because she's not yelling at us or begging to watch Mother Goose again, she's happy because she can tell the animals to go to sleep and they do, and our cell phones are happy to be so well cared-for.

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