One of my favorite things to do around this time is to talk through the last year and list the major events that we can remember from each month. We've been doing that as a family over the last few days. This year, we thought we'd share our list with you. If you've been reading our blog all year, then you'll be able to remember right along with us. If not, then this will give you a little glimpse into what 2008 has been like for us. It's been a great one!
(Hint: You can click on the words in yellow to see the original blog post about each event, or click on the name of the month to see all the posts from that month.)
Here goes:
March was a month full of activity. The first milestone was getting a car. After two-plus years of riding in taxis, a brand new car was an incredible blessing. It still is!
The second highlight was Easter. We had a great day
with lots of wonderful friends.

And finally, at the end of the month, we had a fun visit from lots of old friends, including Ross Sawyers, after whom Sawyer is named. Introducing them to one another was a treat.
August was another quiet month. We stayed inside in the air conditioning as much as possible, and I celebrated my 29th birthday. We also looked forward to Mimi & Papaw's visit coming up at the beginning of September.
November's highlights all came sandwiched together at the end of the month, including a delightful Thanksgiving Day, our first day of Christmas decorating, and an amazing first peek at Baby #3.
And that brings us to December. It's been a fun-filled, joy-filled, memory-filled month of celebrating the most wonderful gift we've ever been given. Click on the word December above or just scroll down to see the many posts from this month.
Thanks for joining us on this walk down memory lane. We're so grateful to be able to share our journey with all of you, and we're looking forward to the adventures we'll be able to share in 2009.
Happy New Year!